Saturday, April 27, 2024

Staff Login Det: DET Staff Portal – NSW Government of Education staff

Staff Login Det: DET Staff Portal – NSW Government of Education staff. The Department of Education and Training (DET) is a government agency responsible for providing education and training services in the state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The DET is responsible for delivering quality education and training to students from early childhood to tertiary level, as well as providing support and resources to educators and schools across NSW. This report will explore the role of the DET within the NSW government and examine its policies, programs and initiatives.

History and Structure

The DET was established in 1991 under the Education Reform Act (NSW) 1990, which merged the former Department of Education with the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Commission of NSW. The merger aimed to create a more integrated and efficient education system in NSW by bringing together schools, TAFE colleges and adult and community education providers under one department.

Today, the DET consists of four main divisions: Early Childhood Education, School Operations and Performance, Tertiary and International Education, and Corporate Services. Each division is responsible for managing different aspects of the education system in NSW, such as policy development, program delivery, funding, regulation and compliance.

Staff Login Det: DET Staff Portal – NSW Government of Education staff

Login help for NSW Department of Education staff

Staff Portal – NSW Department of Education

Policies and Programs

The DET has developed a range of policies and programs to support student learning and achievement, teacher professional development, school improvement and community engagement. Some of the key policies and programs are outlined below.

Early Childhood Education

The DET’s Early Childhood Education division is responsible for supporting the development and wellbeing of children from birth to eight years old. The division’s policies and programs aim to provide high-quality early childhood education and care that meets the diverse needs of families and communities in NSW.

One of the key programs is the Preschool Disability Support Program, which provides additional funding and resources to preschools to support children with disabilities or developmental delays. The program aims to ensure that all children have access to inclusive and equitable early childhood education and care.

School Operations and Performance

The School Operations and Performance division is responsible for managing the operation and performance of public schools in NSW. The division’s policies and programs aim to improve the quality of teaching and learning, increase student attendance and engagement, and support school leadership and management.

One of the key initiatives is the School Excellence Framework, which provides a set of standards and indicators that schools can use to assess their performance and identify areas for improvement. The framework also provides guidance on how to develop and implement strategies to improve student outcomes, such as targeted teaching and learning programs, effective use of data, and collaboration with stakeholders.

Tertiary and International Education

The Tertiary and International Education division is responsible for overseeing the regulation and funding of universities and vocational education and training (VET) providers in NSW. The division’s policies and programs aim to ensure that students have access to high-quality and relevant tertiary education and training that prepares them for the workforce.

One of the key programs is the Smart and Skilled program, which provides subsidies to eligible students undertaking VET courses to reduce the cost of their training. The program aims to increase participation in VET and improve the skills and employment outcomes of graduates.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services division is responsible for providing support services to the DET, such as finance, human resources, information technology, and facilities management. The division’s policies and programs aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of departmental operations and service delivery.

One of the key initiatives is the Digital Transformation Strategy, which aims to modernize the DET’s IT systems and infrastructure to provide better services to staff, students, and the community. The strategy includes initiatives such as cloud-based services, mobile apps, online portals and data analytics.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite its successes, the DET faces a range of challenges and opportunities in the coming years. One of the main challenges is addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning and wellbeing. The pandemic has disrupted the education system in NSW, causing school closures, remote learning, and changes to assessments and exams. The DET will need to work closely with schools, teachers, parents and students to mitigate the impact of these disruptions and ensure that all students have access to high-quality education and support.

Another challenge is addressing the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized communities in NSW. The DET has made significant progress in improving equity and inclusion in the education system, but there are still significant gaps in educational outcomes between different groups of students, such as Indigenous students, students from low socio-economic backgrounds, and students with disabilities. The DET will need to continue to develop policies and programs that target these groups and provide targeted support to improve their education outcomes.


The DET plays a critical role in providing education and training services to students in NSW. Its policies and programs aim to improve student learning and achievement, teacher professional development, school improvement and community engagement. However, the DET faces a range of challenges and opportunities in the coming years, including addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning and wellbeing, and addressing the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized communities. The DET will need to continue

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