Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Importance of Female Education Paragraph নারী শিক্ষার গুরুত্ব রচনা

The Importance of Female Education Paragraph নারী শিক্ষার গুরুত্ব রচনা Both men and women have an equal responsibility to build a society or a country. In order to fulfill this responsibility smoothly, along with men, women should also be educated in work-oriented education, which is related to their life and work style. Poet Nazrul wrote in his women’s poem, “Whatever great creation in the world is eternally beneficial / half of it has been done by women, half by men.” The lines of the poem clearly show how important and significant the role of women in human welfare is. In order to make the world more beautiful, it is absolutely necessary for everyone to practice lessons, that is, to get an education, without discriminating between men and women, or even any person or subject. In order for a nation to be a scholar, the women of that nation must also be scholars. Because a nation can never be complete without women. In our country, the need to practice lessons for both men and women has never been seen equally.

In the distant past, women had a role in nation-building, and they are now. From the language movement of 1952 to the present day, women have made a special contribution to every movement. And this contribution has been made by educated women. The success of educated women in the world is no less. Women from countries like the USA, the UK, France, Russia, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, etc. are playing an important role in various fields including literature, science, art, peace, and international politics. Benazir Bhutto, Indira Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Srimavo Bandaranaike, Mother Teresa, Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, etc. are known all over the world as women due to their education and slow power.

The present government is playing a significant role in the education of women. Various steps have been taken by the government and private sector to educate the girls.

Because girls are educated, now they have gone a long way in jobs as well as politically. Now the presence of women can be seen everywhere, starting from the highest seat of the state. Seeing this, the interest in the education of neglected girls scattered in the country’s Anache-Kanache is increasing. At the turn of the day, many women today have awakened the consciousness that they have to learn to study. But at different stages of life, facing various family and social obstacles, his consciousness gradually faded away. And in this way, many girls were knocked out of the light of education, who could not have been enlightened women.

There are still many women who know the importance of education but are not getting adequate benefits, due to which they have to face social complications. They are also lagging behind in getting their rights in any problem. They don’t know what the law is. How to get the help of the law? Nowadays, many women do not know where to go and file a case. How much money does it take to file a case? For this, it is necessary for women to be educated first. If educated, women will be aware of their rights. If they are not aware, the level of torture on them will continue to increase.


Various steps have been taken to improve women’s education at the public and private levels in Bangladesh. Outside the municipality, there is an opportunity for education of students up to class 10 without pay and stipend opportunities for girl students at the secondary level outside the metropolis. Free textbooks are being provided at the secondary level. There is a non-formal education system for students who drop out of primary school. Older women’s education programs have also been started. Many other initiatives have been taken at the government level. There are also various initiatives at the private level to improve women’s education situation. There are various initiatives including special scholarships for girls, vocational training, education with income training, and special informal education for women. And all initiatives will be successful if women are well-educated and aware of their self-esteem.

Along with the education of women, income education (technical education) should also be taken. Then they don’t have to depend on anyone else. So a girl has to be educated even if she thinks about her future life.

In a patriarchal society, there are still no favorable conditions and attitudes for men for women. There are many obstacles to women’s education. For this reason, men in the same family have the facility of education, but in the case of women, that facility is not so much. Sadly, more than half of the women in our country are still locked up in the family. This curse of keeping women locked up in the corner of the house is creating many complications in national life. But in developed countries, women’s position is the same as that of men today. The main reason for this is that developed countries have emphasized on women’s education. In the field of education, there is no discrimination between men and women in those countries.

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