Saturday, July 27, 2024
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” Etiquette and Manners ” Paragraph Writing For HSC / SSC / Class 6,7,8,9 শিষ্টাচার এবং ভদ্র আচরন সম্পর্কে অনুচ্ছেদ

Etiquette and MannersParagraph Writing For HSC / SSC / Class 6,7,8,9 “শিষ্টাচার এবং বিনয়” অনুচ্ছেদ is now available on the My Educations in BD com website. this Paragraph is applicable for classes 5, and 6,7,8,9, and SSC Candidate and HSC Students. Etiquette and manners refer to the codes of conduct and behavior that are considered appropriate and polite in different social and cultural contexts. They can vary widely across different societies, but generally include things such as showing respect for others, using polite language and gestures, and being mindful of others’ feelings and needs.

Some examples of common etiquette and manners include:

  • Saying “please” and “thank you” when making requests or expressing gratitude
  • Holding the door open for others
  • Waiting your turn to speak in a conversation
  • Covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze
  • Using utensils properly while eating
  • Avoiding offensive language or gestures
  • Offering to help others
  • Arriving on time for social events and meetings
  • Not talking with your mouth full

Etiquette and manners can also include specific customs and practices that are unique to certain cultures and situations, such as bowing in certain Asian cultures, or shaking hands in Western cultures.

It is important to be aware of and respectful of different cultural etiquette and manners, especially when traveling or interacting with people from other cultures. Being mindful of etiquette and manners can help to create a more pleasant and harmonious social environment, and can be a sign of respect and consideration for others.

Man is a social being. So following the social code of behavior is important for living in society. These are called social behavior. We describe our social behaviors with two terms – etiquette and manners. The word ‘etiquette’ is derived from a French word. It means the rules of correct behavior in society. It is a set of rules dealing with exterior form. On the other hand, ‘manners’ is an English word. It means the behavior that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture. Manner refers to usual behavior towards others. It may be good or bad. It refers to polite ways of treating other people and behaving in is an expression of inner character. Rules of etiquette are the guiding codes that enable us to practice manners. For example, it is a bad manner to speak with food in one’s mouth.

” Etiquette and Manners ” Paragraph শিষ্টাচার এবং বিনয়” অনুচ্ছেদ

Climate Change Paragraph For School and College Students

" Etiquette and Manners " Paragraph

No one likes a bad-mannered person. Etiquette and manners vary from culture to culture and from society to society. The best place to learn manners and etiquette is the home where the child spends most of its time. Besides home, we also learn etiquette and manners from various institutions, such as schools, colleges, or professional bodies. Again, there are rules of behavior for all kinds of social occasions and it is important to learn them and practice them in everyday life. The manners that are correct in a wedding reception will not do in a debating club. Therefore, we have to be careful about etiquette and manners. A few polite expressions such as ‘pardon me’, ‘excuse me’, and ‘may I’ can make our day smooth and pleasant. Although they do not cost anything, they bring us valuable gains.

They enhance the pleasure of life. One can win over even the enemy if he presents good manners. Good manners and etiquette is the key to success. It/they can make a person stand out from the crowd. By following good manners you/we can become a role models for people around us. Good manners & etiquette can make you acquire a higher position in the organization of your work. You can even become a team leader. A person’s character and upbringing are known by one’s Etiquette and Manners

N: B This ” Etiquette and Manners ” Paragraph is Collected Form Facebook Education Purpose Only.

শিক্ষার সব খবর সবার আগে জানতে এর ইউটিউব চ্যানেল সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন YouTube Channelজাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের সকল নোটিশ দেখুন এখানে একসাথেNational University Notice Board অনার্স /মার্স্টাস/ ডিগ্রি পরীক্ষার প্রিমিয়াম সাজেশন পেতে ফেসবুক পেজে মেসেজ দিন।আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে জয়েন করুন Facebook Group

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